Increasing transparency in your workforce

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When it comes to the relationship between employees and managers, there’s often a disconnect. Employees can feel like they’re being left in the dark when they’re not told of important changes or policies until they’re implemented. They may also not understand why certain decisions were made and may even feel undervalued and underappreciated.

That’s why transparency is key. When employees feel included in the decision-making process, and leadership is keeping them apprised of new changes, they’ll be more invested in the company’s brand, mission and values.

Here are four ways to ensure clear communication at every level of your company.

1. Share Information Across All Levels

Everyone across all levels of seniority deserves to be included in what’s going on at your company. Don’t reserve company news for executives and managers only; make sure that it trickles down to every level. A part time intern is just as much a part of your organization and should feel valued and included.

There are different ways to approach information sharing: either you as the HR manager can distribute company-wide communication through email or Slack, or you can disseminate it to managers and let them be responsible for communicating the message to their reports. Either way, you should establish a clear communication strategy that you can rely on consistently.

2. Use Failsafe Tools That Empower Employees

When employees are empowered to be more involved in decision-making, they’re more dedicated to helping the business.

That might mean training restaurant employees on how to use restaurant management software so they can be part of the menu pricing process. Or providing on-the-job training tools to help employees upskill to qualify for promotions.

These tools shouldn’t only be available to upper management. Transparency happens when everyone has equal access to the software and resources that can empower them to do their jobs well.

3. Explain Decisions

Unless you’re operating under the dictatorial leadership style and refuse to explain why you’ve made certain decisions, taking the time to explain your decisions can be great for employee morale.

Staff might not understand why they’re not getting their annual bonus... until you explain that you are expanding the business (and how it will benefit them in the long run). Having this knowledge can ease employee frustration about the loss of a bonus, and can ensure that they continue to rally behind your business’ success.

4. Encourage an Environment of Feedback

From the start of the hiring process to the exit interview, you need to foster an environment of feedback. Knowing how employees, and even job candidates, view the company and its processes can be instrumental in improving initiatives moving forward.

Offer employees multiple ways to leave feedback, from an anonymous suggestion box in the break room to a monthly forum where they can vent concerns and make suggestions without fear of retribution. You can also give your new hires a survey to fill out during onboarding so that they know their ideas are valued from day one.

Increasing transparency within your company can help you keep employees engaged, and can do wonders for employee retention. It can also motivate your staff to help the company achieve its goals, especially if they feel like their best interests are being served. So open those doors and lines of communication and get ready to build a trusting, engaged workforce.

Looking for more ways to create a culture of transparency throughout your recruiting process? Learn to create a more honest candidate experience here.